I was consulting with some recruiters earlier. One of them told me that node.js was in high demand as a developer skill recently so I think I want to invest in that. On the other hand, jQuery mobile is my latest intellectual romance and I'd like to play with that a lot more. I'm learning python through school right now so clearly that's the priority and I'll learn Django after that since it's built on python. Since I'm already so invested in WordPress it'd be good to start learning some heavier PHP and how to interact with databases... Maybe I should just give in and learn a crappy closed source technology like java or something from Microsoft. It's not super practical but it'd be great for banking industry jobs. Or maybe I should go in the complete opposite direction and learn some of the crazy newfangled techs being developed by google. I would learn Applescript but it's basically just English so I feel like I've got that one down at least.
So many choices...