When to refactor

A lot of developers, project managers and technical leaders wonder when to refactor and when is a good time for doing so. It's not always an easy question to answer. Generally as soon as you notice a problem, it's a good time to refactor. Refactors don't have to be giant,… Read more »

Rails Preloadables

I recently had a need to enable adding prefetching, preloading and prerendering markup to a Rails engine in such a way that the applications that consume the engine don't necessarily need to provide any content to the engine. This way the applications can upgrade to the latest version of the… Read more »

Prefetching/Preloading and prerendering content with HTML

Prefetching, preloading and prerendering are powerful ways to speed up your website using HTML markup. Instead of using javascript trickery or some manner of network manipulation, just instruct the browser to fetch information in the background and your website will be significantly faster. What are prefetching, preloading and prerendering? Prefetching… Read more »

Angular Templateloader

The slowest part of loading a new view/state in an AngularJS application isn't waiting for paints or events listeners to be added/updated, it's waiting for the browser to reconnect to your server and download the view template for the next view. Angular kindly provides us with the $templateCache… Read more »

Sharing view templates across frameworks

One of my current projects is building and maintaining a style guide that, in addition to making design recommendations, provides reusable components and template helpers that can be consumed by a variety of other applications. The project started out as a Rails gem to be consumed by other Rails apps… Read more »