I recently did a bit of work helping this job placement service sort out some of their coding best-practices. While I can't really claim credit for all of the awesomeness on the site, I wanted to recommend them anyway. Jobsuitors uses a personality profile to match you up with potential… Read more »

Manage internal front-end dependencies with Bower

Maintaining giant, monolithic codebases is basically impossible which is why most programmers break larger codebases into smaller ones and try to manage them separately. Breaking things out into the controlling code and its dependencies is a common and smart pattern but a lot of people do this two different ways:… Read more »

The SassConf Experience

This weekend I went to SassConf 2014 which was absolutely amazing. Great speakers gave insightful talks, there was free tshirts, Nutella, stickers and SO MANY cool people. I had some really interesting conversations about best practices and the future of Sass and even the future of CSS and how it… Read more »

Dealing with #shellshock

The problem Shellshock is an exploit in the bash shell that affects basically the entire internet. Almost every Linux-based and OSX-based server and desktop comuter is affected. Fortunately just because the bug is there doesn't mean it's reachable from the outside so it's not nearly as bad as heartbleed on… Read more »

Grunt task to find console.log statements

Get rid of all those console.log statements! I've been working a lot on styleguides and coding style projects recently and one thing that really stuck out to me is a lack of tools to fix higher-level coding antipatterns. Committing console.log statements is frequently one of those antipatterns that… Read more »