Clarity Conf Day 2 Notes

Here's my notes from day 2 of Clarity Conf. Again, apologies to the speakers whom I'm certain I misquoted and probably misrepresented. These are very incomplete. Please send me a message or say 'hi' in person with any changes. Jina Anne <- get invited to the… Read more »

Clarity Conf Day 1 Notes

Here are my notes from day 1 of Clarity Conf. Apologies in advance to the speakers whom I am certain I misquoted and misrepresented. Also if I missed things. Also for having some personal stuff just in the middle of there. Also because there's probably like 90 typos. I may… Read more »

Over-delegating JavaScript events

Delegating event listeners in JavaScript is generally a good practice. It allows us to create only one event listener for events that might be triggered on a variety of nodes and across multiple contexts. If we're just looking to listen for any given click on a page it would be… Read more »

Multiline strings in ES6 JavaScript

The new kid in town is called Template Strings. Template Strings are demarked by a backtick(`) on either end and can contain other backticks if they are escaped by a backslash(ie. let my_string = `some cool \`escaped\` thing`). This new kind of primitive in JavaScript is different from… Read more »

ES6 IIFE with fat arrow functions

Writing Immediately Invoked Function Expressions or IIFEs in ES6(Also known as ES2015 now) just got a lot easier with the introduction of fat arrow functions. (global => { const MY_CONSTANT = 'api key or something' let counter = 0 let some_array = [1,2,34,5,6,7] counter = some_array.… Read more »